Well, if you know me on twitter and facebook, you know I got a bit ballsy yesterday and decided to make a video. Not sure why… I think I wanted to see if I could …
I love ghosts. If there is a plate of Halloween cookies -chances are I am grabbing the ghost. Maybe it was years of lectures about horrible food dyes? I’m not sure, but the other day …
monster mouths
Quite possibly, this could be my shortest post. Nah, I think I will ramble a bit. It’s the week before Halloween, that means I am going to be “spookifing” food. Take the after-school snack of …
salted caramel cookies
This is the first thing I baked in my newly-restored oven. And, you guys will love it. It’s a shortbread crust, a thick layer of dulce de leche, and Himalayan pink salt. Yes, I know …
Man… I am such a slacker. I was going through some food pictures and realized- I never gave y’all the recipe. Will you ever forgive me? I will have to make it up to y’all. …
a non post
Do you ever have the feeling that something is going to happen, and you just can’t pinpoint the event that’s about to transpire? And it’s right there. Like a word on the tip of your …
caramel popcorn balls
Mmm, caramel. It’s one of those things you don’t think much about until Fall. Then, it makes it’s sugary-gooey presence known… Caramel apples. Carmel corn. Let’s do that. To begin, you have to make some …
bavarian pizza
Bavarian pizza. My little invention for a contest, inspired by a trip to Oktoberfest and a cold beer. I get ideas when I drink beer. Some good, some bad. This one was good. A soft …
chocolate pretzel cookies
Mmm, chocolate and pretzels. You know what I mean… these are perfect when you want that salty sugar mix, with a healthy dose of chocolate. And, yes I made these before my beloved oven broke….hours …
an update…
Well, folks I didn’t make it to the next challenge. However, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support, encouragement and votes. I hope my new readers will continue to …
buffalo chicken salad and a giveaway!
An ovenless meal today. But, I can assure you- this one is hearty and man-friendly. It’s the whole buffalo chicken that takes a salad to a manly level. As, for the whole oven-less situation- well, …
meatloaf stuffed potatoes
I made these Tuesday. When I had an oven. My oven broke last night. Which is very lame. It will be a while before it can be fixed, because when we went fishing on Sunday, …
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