recipes, life and everything in between


meatloaf stuffed potatoes

I made these Tuesday.

When I had an oven.

My oven broke last night.

Which is very lame. It will be a while before it can be fixed, because when we went fishing on Sunday, this happened:

yep, It’s not supposed to look like that. We were stranded for four hours waiting on a tow. And, I was stressing getting my Project Food Blog entry submitted on time, and my 3 year old was getting “way very bored”.  Needless to say, we made it home. I always say things don’t happen TO you, they happen FOR you.

I was tring to figure why this happened.

When we got home the tow driver needed some wood to put under the boat trailer, my hubby went in the back yard to see if there was any anywhere, when he came back he had some wood in one hand and my lost tortoise in the other. You guys that follow me on twitter know all about me losing my tortoise on Thursday.  The tortoise was inches away from being in my mom’s yard next door, and a sure death with her German Sheppards from hell. So, maybe that was the reason….

As for my oven? Well, I am real good at being positive for other people. When it comes to my things breaking… I get down. But, I am hoping there is a reason. We’ll see.

Lots of stove top and grilling recipes for you guys now.

This is my last oven post….for a while.

These are really tasty. Cave man food. Wait! Cave men didn’t have ovens, either….

Cut open some baked potatoes….

Scoop out the middle…

Line em up for a picture!

Brush with melted butter…

Stuff with your favorite meatloaf mixture…

Now, with the potato you scooped earlier, mash it up, and…..

Place it on top.

Bake 1 hour at 350, and top with sour cream, ranch and chives. Oh yes.

Now, today I am going to try and figure out why my oven broke. I know there’s not a lost tortoise behind it….

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