Chocolate mousse pie with a chocolate chip cookie crust-(n) =the best thing you’ll eat today Guys, I habe a confession. This came from a box. Sorta. I had a box of chocolate chip cookie mix, …

recipes, life and everything in between
recipes, life and everything in between
Chocolate mousse pie with a chocolate chip cookie crust-(n) =the best thing you’ll eat today Guys, I habe a confession. This came from a box. Sorta. I had a box of chocolate chip cookie mix, …
Who’s looking for heathy-ish green-ish “feel decent about a second helping” kind of meal? Here ya go. This is spanakopita, aka, savory spinach pie recipe is what you want… at least I think it’s what …
These are cozy in food form. Ground beef simmered in spicy salsa and cheese, and covered in a soft pillow of sweet corn bread. And, really- these are “weeknight easy” Simply ground 1 lb of …
You guys… this is waaaaaay easier than omelets. It’s almost as easy as scrambled eggs; but: it’s not as easy as toast. Or cereal. this was one of those midnight recipes that came to me …
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