cocoa spiderweb cookies
Ahhh! It’s that time of year where everything gets dark and spooky…which, is always a little bit odd, because the holidays to follow are the total opposite of Halloween; as we feast on turkey and …

cookie dough truffles
Oh baby. Oh yes. You can have your dough and eat it too. No raw eggs here. WOOOOOO~HOOOOO! (spell-check hates it when I put my words in there) So, these are no-bake, addictive and may …

Taylor Swift chai sugar cookies
Y’all…I got to go to the Eras tour… (Insert a dizzying head spinning happy dance with glitter, confetti and fireworks) BUT: It’s a bittersweet story because it involves the disintegration of two friendships, and the …

frosted sugar cookies
Heeeeeey! Woah… that’s a big cookie on the screen. Y’all know those sugar cookies that come in the plastic clamshell container? You know the ones whose name sound like “soft house”? Of course …

three ingredient cookie bars
So easy, and delicious these cookie bars are the perfect almost instant almost homemade dessert!

Key Lime Thumbprint cookies #summerdessertweek
Disclaimer: I was sent product for my participation in Summer Dessert Week, however the recipes and opinions are my own. Welcome to day three of #summerdessertweek. I don’t know about y’all but for me, Key …

mermaid splash cookies #summerdessertweek
Disclaimer: I was sent samples for compensation for my participation in Summer Dessert Week, however, the opinions expresses as well as the recipes are my own. Hey Y’all! Guess whaaaaaaat?! It’s SUMMER DESSERT WEEK!!! You know …

cherry-almond biscotti and other hard things in life
Spell check does not like the word biscotti. It underlines it for me, in its bright red zig zag pattern, mocking my confidence in cookies. Like the mother in law that still remembers the times …
almond vanilla chip cookies
It’s been awhile. You deserve cookies. I am peering out from under my rock, finally getting back into the comfort of routine. As much as people complain about the staleness of routines, I embrace the …
Carrot cake whoopie pies
It’s officially spring …but it has felt more like summer in my area. 86 degrees with high humidity = bad hair and craving springtime treats. Of course, when I think of spring, I think …
lemon pastry cremes girl scout cookies
lemon pastry cremes~ (n) My favorite girl scout cookie that they discontinued, flaky cookies dusted in powdered sugar with a sweet creamy lemon filling inside. There are a few food items I would say …
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