I love recipes that use up things like leftover chicken and turkey… because I usually have leftovers of both. I think it’s because I always make a lot of sides when it comes to poultry. …
homemade rolled fondant
Mmm, fondant.It’s a love/hate thing I think. I happen to adore the stuff. It’s texture, sweetness and the way it can make a cake look like a sculpture. Some people though, gag at it. And …
getting crafty
Oh no… another day without food?! Yes, it’s not that I haven’t cooked, it’s just I have already done the posts before. So, I decided to show you other parts of my day, outside of …
a random look at life
Today, I don’t have a recipe…for a change I just have some random photos of recent events… hopefully they make you smile. like this bow. It’s edible ~ made of fondant. It has been in …
There are a few a lot okay, a ton of things I have never tried before. I need to make a list. Lists are good, Until you misplace them, and then you have to make …
There are two enchilada recipes I make… one got my husband to propose, and another that got invented because I had to use some things in my fridge. They both are keepers. This one I …
luau bread
This is the ultimate summer breakfast bread. Wait. It’s January. Man, I am out of it… just kidding, this happened to be one of those recipes I found, and happened to have all the things …
chile relleno rice
This was the first thing I have made in a few days…hubby has been cooking grilling lately, because-well I just haven’t wanted to do much of anything. I did, however go through one of my …
at a loss.
Well, my beloved dog Salvador died yesterday. I have been in a fog..he had been the most consistent thing in my life for 16 years. I miss him so much. Little things bring tears to …
poured fondant tea cakes
Okay, I know this is totally going against the New Year theme of healthy, booty friendly food. But I have some issues. Yes, issues. Issues that can only be solved with time. Oh boy. It’s …
eggless egg salad
I know, it should be called something other than that. But if I called it what it really is, well- some of you might just not even give it a chance. Come on… it’s the …
toll house muffins
Wait- these are pretty decent for you. The book said 158 calories, 3 gm protein. Really. Now go ahead, eat two. I did. ….on my way for one more…chomp! The original recipe I found called …
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