This is the ideal snack for after school/ football/ fall/anytime. This was also a post that was scheduled to be published last week. LAST WEEK!?! Last week was one of those weeks that felt like …
pickled onions
These are a new staple in our house. I’m starting to put them on almost every savory food I eat… especially sandwiches. But, they’re also good right from the jar… just keep some breath mints …
polenta pizzas
These look like they took all day, but actually they can be made in under 20 minutes. Perfect for when you start hanging out with the neighbors and everyone gets hungry. You can just keep …
cinnamon cake balls
A little while ago, I was asked to try out something new & cinnamon. Wait… not cinnamon- Cinnabon. Because everyone knows that there’s ordinary cinnamon… then there’s cinnabon cinnamon. Mmm. I was given the opportunity …
chicken saute with swiss chard & garlic aioli
chicken saute with Swiss chard & garlic aioli I have a foodie confession to make: I’ve never had Swiss chard. I’m not too sure why…I’ve had tons of other greens- kale, spinach, collards, mustard. But, …
Jamaican banana bread
Jamaican banana bread~ banana bread studded with coconut, pecans, lime & rum It’s been a week since I’ve posted, and my last post was full of heartache over the loss of my dog. Little did …
I usually like to write uplifting words here… sometimes I vent on assorted topics that most people can relate to, and I try to add a dose of humor to even things out. I’ll toss …
butter-pecan brittle
butter-pecan brittle~ buttery sweet and no stove required! Remember when microwaves first came out? I do. And, each microwave came with it’s own “cookbook”- not a chintzy paper pamphlet, but a hard bound book, compete …
vacation and other touristy stuff
Every year, my husband and I head down to Islamorada to do some fishing & boating… I’ve written about my past adventures here, here, and here. This year, we decided to bring our dogs- for …
mama’s meatloaf
As most of y’all know, I was on vacation last week. But, now I’m back- I’ll have a vacation highlight post coming up as well, along with some lime recipes..because I have a ton of …
sesame kale chips & OXO giveaway
A little while ago, the folks at OXO contacted me & asked if I’d like to host a giveaway and try out their salad spinner. I was stoked because I didn’t own a salad spinner, …
a fun random post
a fun random post~ five things you didn’t know about me You know, sometimes I don’t cook. Really. Sometimes I want to just have a no-cook night. That’s when I inventory every edible thing in …
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