I’m a fan of desserts that you don’t have to dirty dishes to eat. Ones you can grab with a napkin and nibble on as your favorite Charlie Brown special is on the T.V. Yes, …

spinach and cheese lasagna rolls
My husband never wants lasagna. I’m not sure why, but whenever I suggest it, he suggests something else… Him: “What’s for dinner?” Me: “Lasagna” Him: “How about spaghetti?” So, the other night I just said: …
salted caramel flan and other events
I made this last week, along with some other items for Florida Dairy. That’s Fleur De Sel on top of it. “Flower of Salt”. Sea salt, just fluffier… in extreme layman terms. I could get …

cheesecake brownies
My husband was so happy I made these. Not because of what they are, but because of where I found the recipe. All afternoon, I heard him say: “You finally made one of those recipes….”

sweet cream biscuits
The other day, I woke up to one of those moods. You know the ones: the ones where you’re not quite sure how you feel, you’re not sure if you’re worried, disappointed, scared, or just …
DIY peg board
I made this nifty pegboard for my daughter’s room to try to get a handle on the massive amounts of paper children seen to produce out of thin air. I don’t know what happens: I …
Greek yogurt Alfredo
It’s lower fat. It’s creamy. And… it’s calling your name… Actually, I really hope it’s not calling your name, because that would be weird. Sometimes my dog calls my name, though. Because my dog is …

lemon curd
I have never been a fan of the name “lemon curd”… it sounds like something that went bad. Curd. Curdled. Ewww. I’m not sure why this has never been renamed into something more appealing… like …
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