Oh boy. I don’t have a kick a** recipe today. Because I was sick and didn’t cook/bake do much of anything. Very lame. But, I feel better and still feel like writing typing something…how about …
the perfect cookie
Wow. In my years on this planet I have NEVER made a cookie better than this one. Although have I never lived on any other planet…if I did, I still think this would be the …
pierogi and birthdays
I made pierogi last night. I haven’t made them in years, and I’m not sure why. I am going to make them more often, I decided. Especially when I need a carb fix. Carbs stuffed …
chicken and cheese stuffed peppers
This weekend I finally had a few moments to veg out and go through some of my cookbooks for inspiration, and I came across this recipe, and thought, “ooo.” Then I made it, and despite …
white chocolate blondies
Now, I have been wanting to make these for ..oh..about a year now, and finally got around to it. It’s a keeper. Especially if you’re a white chocolate fan. (Like me…) I know it’s not …
posts on the cutting floor
To be honest, sometimes I will cook/bake something, take pictures and then, well..it never make it here. Either it’s because the pictures didn’t come out right, or I forgot to write the recipe down, or …
orange marmalade
Every year at this time, I get on my canning kick… mainly because it’s not too hot (yet) and I love seeing all the pretty jars in my pantry…which I just organized, but that’s another …
whole wheat crepes with turkey,Brie and apples
This is the perfect little dish if you don’t want something heavy. If, say you overindulged at lunch, and felt a bit full for hours…and hours… It’s light and healthy, but has that nice sinfulness …
Foodbuzz 24×24 event: A day of crepes
Well, all you guys that follow me know it’s been a rough month. My beloved dog of sixteen years died, and things have been very dreary ever since…although there are always occasional bright spots here …
fondant cake step by step
Yes, folks you too can amaze your friends and neighbors and show up to the gathering with a beautiful cake -and they will all say “Wow, it’s so Martha! It’s too pretty to eat! You …
fondant cakes
Well, I finished my fondant and gum paste class this week, and, like finishing a really good book- I am sad it’s over. Of course, there are more classes on the horizon…but, I really loved …

hasselback potatoes
These are my hubby’s new favorite, which rocks because they are sooooo easy to make. Woo-hoo! I am dying to try them with sweet potatoes, if I can cut them…hmmmm. Sweet potatoes are a bit …
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