Vegan meatballs~ made with lentils and brown rice Can I really even call them “meatballs”? I think they should be called veg-balls. But, then there is the chance nobody will have a clue what a …
vegan breakfast burritos
vegan breakfast burritos This was my husband’s first tofu dish…. the perfect introduction to tofu, in my opinion- since tofu has scrambled egg texture. I didn’t even want to tell him that it was tofu- …
I we started a fast. My carnivorous, cave man husband and I have started a “Daniel fast”, which is basically a vegan (no animal/animal products) diet with also no sugars of any kind. (including the …
life today and tomorrow
When I first started my blog, not this one but the other one from years ago, I began it as an outlet for my writing first and foremost. My blogging soon became overshadowed by food …
turning 38
I turned 38 last week. I turned 38 and spent my day alone, running errands and wondering when my dad would call and if my sister would start speaking with me again. A dark cloud …
Cantina steak burrito
When Foodbuzz asked me if I’d be interested in trying Taco Bell’s new Cantina steak Burrito, my first thought was “Ew. Fast food.” I hadn’t had Taco Bell in over 15 years. But, luckily for …
friendly reminder: Top Chef finale tonight!
Oh I know… I have completely and utterly been incognito lately. Writers block? Blogger burnout? Illness? New babies? All of the above. I took on a freelance writing gig, which was awesome because y’all …
cheddar & beer cheese dip
There are times when I get a craving for two flavors at once… peanut butter and chocolate, cinnamon and raisin, beer and cheese…. I think whoever invented Cheddar must have done it next to a …
retro chicken n chips casserole
retro chicken n chips casserole~ what you’d eat if you had dinner with June and Ward Cleaver. When I was a kid, I loved watching the old black and white TV shows.. Lassie, Leave It …
Cheddar and pepper biscuits
Who doesn’t love biscuits? I’m a southern girl… and biscuits were a staple at suppers growing up. I remember my mom placing them in small wicker baskets lined with crisp white linen napkins, with a …
strawberry macarons
It’s been awhile since I’ve made these. The day I made them my husband got all excited when I sent him a picture…. he said, “Oooo my favorite.” Funny, I always thought rum balls were …
Valentine tea cakes
These remind me of the Little Debbie cakes that are out this time of year….except they’re better. Heck, everything homemade is better, right? Especially snack cakes. Now: Before you think you can’t do these, and …
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