Well, today happens to be one of those days I just don’t know what to post about, I’m sure there are some forgotten food pictures and recipes lurking in the abyss of my hard drive- …
sugar cookie dough truffles
Lately, I have been dreaming up a bunch of new recipes, only to realize that in order to make them, it requires a trip to the store. I’m one of those people that will try …
shrimp etouffee
Woah. This was a recipe I wanted to share with y’all…a while ago. Turns out, I learned how to make it during my crepe class last month, and I had a little list going with …
king cake
Now, before you say…”What?! Another cake?” Like my husband did, let me explain: it’s not “cake-cake”~it’s more like a breakfast cake. At least, that’s how we’re going to eat it, because…well…we have “cake-cake” already. And, …
highlights and lowlights
Well, I went on a little getaway with my hubby over the weekend…and we had a good time except the day we left our reef tank crashed. And, when I say crashed… I’m talking bad …
final cake class
I can’t believe how quickly 16 weeks of cake classes went. I can’t believe how much I didn’t know before. Anyway… I decided to share another “production and assembly” post of my final cake, and …
jalapeno jelly
This is something I had never had until one day when I was grazing at Costco. I love Costco…err…I love all the samples. So, there I was, with the giant shopping cart with the seat …
what we ate
So, this post is sorta a recipe, sorta a daily thought and sorta a news event. No, not like national news-or even small town news..just household news. Household news is awesome. They should have a …
free houseplants
I’m sure you guys have done this before…if not, do it. It’s fun and everyone’s doing it. 😉 Take common houseplant-the Philodendron, you know the one…the one that is at every dentist,bank, doctor’s office waiting …
stuffed shells
First of all, let me tell you a few things: I love Japanese, Italian,Indian and Mexican food-pretty much in that order. My family, however- has different food loves, they’d pretty much pick Mexican or American …
icing flowers
So, you guys know I have been taking a few courses and lately, it’s been all flowers. Very girly. But fun. I really need to make cupcakes or something to stick these on. They’re made …
onion rings
Ooo. Onion rings. I love how we can take a veggie and make it junk food. Fried okra, french fries, fried green tomatoes. It’s okay to eat an onion ring…or five…or eight. Just don’t make …
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