(sponsored post) Here we are full force into summer… in all it’s sweaty glory. This summer has been a lot different than previous summers in the fact that despite the heat and humidity, my daughter …
spinach burgers II
Sometimes, you feel like you just “need” to get your green on. No, I’m not talking about your trusty green T shirt that you pull out of the drawer every St Patrick’s Day, I’m talking …
creamy garlic, spinach and chicken flatbread
I was recently selected to take part in creating a recipe for a new line of sauces that Progresso recently launched. My assignment? Something quick to prepare.. as in 20 minutes or less. They must …

homemade mustard
There are somethings in life that are worth making by hand… cookies, bread and mustard, is now on my list. I think it’s part of a “back to my roots” phase I’m in. Next thing …

small batch strawberry vanilla preserves
I love making preserves. I love the way may pantry looks lined with glass jars filled with colorful fruits and tasty sauces, I love that I don’t have brand name labels staring me in the …
chocolate mint chiffon pie
This was a recipe I created for Florida Dairy Farmers, and it’s the perfect Springtime dessert, (or, almost Spring-at least) It’s fluffy and minty, and has a chocolate cookie crust that balances the creamy mint …

strawberry shortcake roll
Believe it or not, this was a partial fail recipe…you see.. I left it a bit too long to cool after I rolled it which equals the “lovely” flat bottom the “roll” has. Hey…isn’t there …
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