Over the past year, our family has gone through many changes, the death of a family member, and the addition of several more. As life itself metaphors us into different seasons, so we grow and …

recipes, life and everything in between
recipes, life and everything in between
Over the past year, our family has gone through many changes, the death of a family member, and the addition of several more. As life itself metaphors us into different seasons, so we grow and …
Boiled peanuts are a Southern thing, or so I am told. I know nothing different than boiled peanuts. Sure, there are roasted, salted, honey roasted and candied. But: I know boiled. Raw “green” peanuts boiled …
Your kids will love these. Don’t have kids? That’s okay… you will love them, too. You don’t love them? That’s okay, too… your dog will be in heaven. No dog? Your cat will paw at …
Our local fair comes into town every January. When I was a kid, my mom would tell the school that my sister and I had a dental appointment, and pull us out early. In our …
Spaghetti-O’™s are one of those quintessential american kid food. Up there with mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and of course, PB&J. Unfortunately, so many “kids foods” are laden with… well, crap. I’m not …
These are what’s for dinner tonight. Vegetarian burritos, smothered in a spicy tomato and green chile sauce and gooey melted cheese. This meal will make you look forward to leftovers, too- because it makes …
There is something about making homemade tortillas. Something that goes beyond the food aspect of it. Maybe ….it’s because right now in our homeschool I’m teaching a period of history that is before the discovery …
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