I love making this. Mainly because it’s perfect when tacos sound good but you’re to lazy to roll/stuff the tortillas/shells. Yeah, when we have tacos, I have to “do”everyone’s.Usually I don’t mind-sometimes I just wanna slap a slab of something on a plate, toss on some lettuce and tomato and call it a meal. Lazy mama meal.
One day I will make a Utube video on how to stuff/roll a taco/tortilla. Then I will sit my family down and make them take notes. But… I bet they won’t “taste the same”. That’s what is so cool about cooking and art. Nobody can completely mimic another person’s work. Hmmm…. thought for the day.
Hey! Guess what? I made step by step photos!!!
Hey! Guess what? I overcooked my pizza, too! (That part I am partially blaming on MSN. Their homepage told me to drink wine to live longer.) I get very chatty when I drink wine and …well, I got to gabbing. It was Friday night, after all.
Take a pizza crust. You can do one of the following:
1) Buy a can of the stuff
2) See if your bakery sells raw dough
3) make a mix from a box
4) make it yourself.* or the dough cycle in a bread machine can make it for you
5) use one of those Boboli things- or a knock off off that
I personally like the #2,4,5 options best. As you know, opening cans of dough scares the ^#$* out of me. Does it you, also? I can never get used to cardboard exploding to release sticky white goo. I must need to evolve more.
WOAH! Speaking of evolution did you know that scientists found a species of lizard that lays eggs AND gives live birth???? Wow- they say it’s in an evolutionary state. Imagine if humans had that option? It would probably suck either way I bet-because we’d lay eggs the same size as newborns…it’s gonna hurt either way.
Okay, you have your dough-put some taco sauce on it:
Jeez- that sauce looks dark. Oh well…now, get some refried beans, nuke em a bit so they are east to spread and put them on top of your sauce.
Top with “taco-seasoned” ground: (choose) : A. beef B. turkey C. soy product D. beans (whole,black)
I married a cave man meat-eater so you can guess what I used.
My cave man meat eater loves cheese-I think he was a french cave man in his past….so I used both Mexican shredded and blobs of cream cheese.
Bake at 375 until done….(25minutes) or until you finally put down that glass of wine and shut up long enough to pull it out of the oven….like me!
Can you tell I hid the overcooked cheese with some more cheese? Yep, I did. 😉
Now- a favor to ask. (no I am not asking for your car keys or money…)
Please- if you enjoy my site, tell your friends,co-workers,family members, facbook it, stumble it, pimp it….I need more readers. Why? Because, I’m a people person. Especially strangers. Err, stalkers. Whatever. I like to share. Sharing is caring, you know….
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