recipes, life and everything in between


tex-mex pinto beans

This is the perfect side dish to make, and it makes an especially nice lunch the next day. I speak from experience. And, since it’s made with brown rice, veggies and beans it’s healthy, too. Gotta get your veggies, you know. Mama was right. This is also a good dish to use up leftover rice, which I always seem to have.

I have to admit something today… I’m kinda stumped on what to write. I can go on and on about how delicious this side dish is & how you already have all the fixins’ to make it; and the fact it’s topped with creamy melted cheddar jack cheese

But, usually I have a quirky story or something to ramble about… and, unfortunately the “big” thing that happened over the weekend was a cookie-cutter incident that resulted in a bloody toe. Not proper food blog talk.

I even deleted the pics I had shared on Facebook via Instagram, because they just don’t go well with food.

I like to match my pictures like that. 😉

I guess the other “big” thing that happened over the weekend was a trip to Ikea. That’s always a big deal to me, since it’s an hour away. My hubby and I assembled a kids’ table and chair set together and realized we’re a good  assembling furniture team. But, we also agreed we wouldn’t want to do a whole room of furniture.

Hey… look at that, I managed to ramble a little bit.  Over the weekend, I also made peanut butter flowers, some rocking paninis and quesadillas and a blue Hawaiian drink. No, the blue Hawaiian had nothing to do with the cookie cutter accident. In case you were wondering. I know I’d wonder.

Anyway, back to the beans:

This recipe came from Sargento; and it’s all ready for you to print out here: Tex-Mex Pinto Beans




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