Remember my posts about enlarging our tent?
No, we don’t actually live in a tent.
It’s an expression of expansion. Although, tent living is fine with me as long as there is mosquito repellent… and food. And fire to cook the food. A soap to clean up. And toilet paper.
Got it? Okay, we’re good.
So: if you caught up on the links above you’ll know that we began fostering, which also grew our family by adopting two little girls.
But: we have one tiny problem… our bathroom. You see, there’s just one. And, a family of six with one bathroom….and less than 900 sq feet…including a garage- well- that’s not going to work out long term. And: we decided to venture into the wide world of home renovation.

It has been time to add on… but finances posed challenges. We met with builders and architects… only to continually come up with dead ends.
Until we met Action Construction Group, and RWB Construction. It was their kind hearts that helped make our dream a reality. They knew our need, and decided to go above and beyond typical business measures to make it happen. Through a donation drive, the remaining funds were secured to move forward…

And, soon our tropical family room would be enclosed, and an additional master suite was to be added on. So: now we have a “kids wing” and a sanity section for me and the hubs. Just kidding… since this has been completed, we all have a tendency to conglomerate in the master.

Now: with four kids and hubby working long hours, shopping for paint, tile and flooring was quite the challenge. Towing three kids under three (one being on the spectrum) is not the easiest task…. when we enter a store- Kiki likes to test the acoustics, which- in turn encourages her little sister to test alongside her.
In every store we enter, a loud “Baaaw” is emitted by Kiki. (she’s looking for an echo) and… in big stores, like Home Depot and Costco the “Bawwww” sounds good.
So: I enter: two toddlers shouting “Bawww” and a newborn sleeping soundly, my older daughter usually pushing him in a stroller (although I just ordered a baby wrap to make my summer adventures easier happen.)
Back to our shopping adventures:
Immediately , people turn heads. So, I just “Baaww” right along with them, as if we are aliens communicating in our own language. Which, on some days we do. My middle daughter is non verbal/ apraxic . We are beginning a long journey of therapy and doctors, and prayers for miracles. So; there are times, only immediate family can understand her. “Nana teetee yaya” actually has meaning in our household. (She calls her sister Nana, she calls her little sister TeeTee and she calls her doll YaYa) so: “Nana teetee yaya” translates into: “Big sister, my little sister has my favor cool, and I want her back, please help me”
We celebrate moments like that in our family.
We also celebrate adding new members to our family. We recently took in another newborn, this time… a BOY. We have had boys before, but- never a newborn… so this guy is pretty special.
I don’t know how long he will be with us, but: I do know that baby carrier will come in handy this summer, for sure.
Oh goodness I got sidetracked … back to the addition:
We are now 99% complete. There’s a few things to hang, and photos to be taken. Hopefully I’ll have those up this week.
I also have some furniture refinishing tips for y’all… let’s just say… I transformed 1980’s solid wood dresser set into coastal shabby -and it was so easy- even a mom with three babies can do it.
And: those of y’all that come for the food…
I had the opportunity to cater a baby shower, and there are pics and recipes from that I’ll be sharing. (Best cupcakes ever and I finally mastered cake pops!)
So: come back and visit soon.
xoxo, MK
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