I have a story for y’all. It’s a story about being tired, and waking up. You see, I got stuck. I got stuck in a pattern of catching up, which made me fall behind. Not …
Enlarging our tent
Remember my posts about enlarging our tent? No, we don’t actually live in a tent. It’s an expression of expansion. Although, tent living is fine with me as long as there is mosquito repellent… and …
vanilla chia pudding
Who remembers ChiaPets? Terra cotta animals that you soak, spread chia seeds on, and they “sprout hair”making a small green topiary for you to enjoy on your windowsill. Who knew they were good for you? …
enlarging our tent, part 3 another adoption!
Do y’all remember when we first decided to become foster parents? Do ya’ll remember our waiting on our first placement? And this happened? Now…. Last November we said yes once more to another NICU baby; …
when the cup overflows
Monday, at 5:52pm I found out there was a need for a home for a newborn baby girl. And, at 8:31pm, she was in my arms. Foster care has a way of keeping you on …
enlarging our tent part 2; an adoption story
Happy New Year! I know, we are already 15 days into the new year, but fifteen days is still pretty “new” so I’ll wish you the best for the next 350 days. I have kicked …

happy taco tuesday!
Happy Taco Tuesday! Who-ever thought of food theme days, thank you. It helps us figure out dinner ideas when we are to tired to think. And, I know it’s been awhile since I have posted. …
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