Oooo- I like that name, don’t you? These, to me are the epitome of happy flavors. Cream cheese, ranch, avocado and a squirt of lemon inside a sweet little tomato. Yum. I made them at …
a 5 minute meal
Woah. Catchy title, don’t you think? Me too. Yes, it is a 5 minute meal for most people. For me it was more like 25. 8 to get the water to boil. 5 to wash …
mexican shredded chicken
Mmmm, Mexican restaurants. The hot platters of perfectly seasoned food oozing with melted cheese, crisp lettuce and cool tomatoes. And that finely shredded chicken that melts in your mouth. Hungry yet? Me too. I have …
best buttercream icing and use for old coffee grounds
Mmmm, is it icing or frosting? I am sure there is some sort of technical difference, and more than likely I am calling it the wrong one- but, you know either way just what it …
bug cake and glob
I have a three year old. It’s official today. Three years ago, after 16 hours of labor and 4 hrs 52m minutes of pushing (she was stuck) my “baby pine cone” came here to earth. …
buttery onion chicken
This recipe is not my own. My mother in law was telling me how good it was, and when I went to make it-“BAM!” The recipe was right there on the container. I really need …
pink grapefruit cookie bars
You know I am always honest with you guys. So, when something is OMG good I let you know, and if something is “ehh” I let you know that, too. Although I try not to …
busy day breakfast
I have a lot of names for this-Cuban breakfast casserole, baked toast and eggs, cheesy egg toasts… but, busy day breakfast works for now. It’s catchy, don’t ya think? Me too. I have a recipe …
Peaches n cream breakfast cake
Hello folks. I know, I know- I have been gone a few days. Sometimes, you just need a visit to LaLa land. I made this breakfast cake for my in-laws. See, I had these peaches …
Yes. That was the first thing I did with my 25lbs of flour. I made buns. Sure, I could have made focaccia or pita or some other exotic bread, but it was a rainy day …
mangooey cupcakes
I had a bit of a dilemma with the proper naming of these. My dear facebook friends helped. Remember when I was talking about mango bread? Well, I had mad banana bread and was kinda …
cheesy stuffed chicken breasts
Isn’t it funny how the you can call food and other things cheesy? This is cheesy. But, it’s ooowey-gooey-creamy-dreamy cheesy. Oh yeah. I am starting to develop a fondness for cream cheese. Oh dear… I …
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