recipes, life and everything in between


caramel apple cinnamon rolls

caramel apple cinnamon rolls
Author: Michelle Keith/ The Village Cook
  • 1 box hot roll mix, prepared according to cinnamon roll directions on side
  • 2 apples, diced
  • 1/2 cup caramel dip
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons raisins
  • 2 TBS butter
  1. Prepare dough and roll out into a rectangle.
  2. Spread caramel over dough.
  3. Meanwhile in a saucepan heat the apples and raisins and cinnamon in the butter until tender.
  4. Place apples and raisins on top of the caramel
  5. Roll up and slice in 1 ” sections
  6. Bake in a preheated 375 oven for 15-17 minutes.

These are the perfect thing to eat on a Fall morning. They have that sugary-cinnamon apple smell that …well, is just so Fall.

You know what’s even better?

It’s pretty darn easy.

Yep. I used a boxed mix and a container of caramel.

I was not in the mood to make homemade caramel. I was in a no stove-top mood. Do you ever get those? Me too.

Although I did saute my diced apples, butter, cinnamon and sugar and raisins…. but they didn’t need as much help as caramel would have.

So… I used one of my favorite standbys:

see the side of the box? Yep… you do it that way except…

For the filling, you use one diced apple, 2 tbs brown sugar, 2 tsp cinnamon, a handful of raisins all sauted in a tablespoon of butter. Just cook em down a bit, so they don’t make your dough all soggy. Soggy dough sucks. Unless it’s money. Soggy money fresh from the washer is awesome.

I used half a tub of caramel…

spread it all around…

add your apples and raisins and yumminess…

roll it up longways….

slice into 12 slices and allow to rise about 30 minutes.

Bake at 375 for about 20.

Top with some more caramel and cinnamon….

before … andafter…

So perfect for Thanksgiving morning!

I still get excited when Santa is at the end.

Come on… don’t you just a little bit?

Have an awesome day. 🙂

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