It used to be multiple times a week, I would go to school, work my night job at a local seafood restaurant- it was on the water and one of my favorite things to do at closing was feed the leftover bread to the thousands of catfish that lived under the dock. They would swarm to eat the bread I tossed, with their mouths popping in hopes to catch a bite of the crusty carbs. I held multiple positions at the restaurant, but but favorite postition by far was running the raw bar; shucking oysters, prepping salads and soups and- my absolute favorite: plating desserts.
I went back to the restaurant a few months back… it had been close to twenty years since I was employed there; the fish are still there, along with one waitress that has remained. We got to chatting and became cyber friends- which is awesome but I sometimes wish there was more time in life to chat with people. My hubby always tells me to not get chatty. Because I do, more often than not- and I’ll admit I’ve made ourselves and other people late on account of my overflowing words.
But I’ve made dear friends that way, too. So- most of the time when he scolds me to “not get too chatty” I roll my eyes and add in an affirming “yes dear”
I’m still going to talk. I’ll still be your friend.
Anyway: speaking of friend- let’s talk fried. It’s just a letter off. Air frying is “friendly fried”, in my (cook) book. so: I officially rename this recipe “friendly fried steak”
Sounds better. Since there’s no chicken in it, too. So here’s my recipe for “friendly fried steak”, (aka air fried chicken fried steak )
Enjoy! – love MK
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