recipes, life and everything in between

daily thoughts fostering

when the cup overflows

Monday, at 5:52pm I found out there was a need for a home for a newborn baby girl. And,  at 8:31pm, she was in my arms.

Foster care has a way of keeping you on your toes. So,  as I was preparing a meal of chicken divan, jasmine rice and corn, God was sending a baby my way.

Of course, this now puts our family to four kids, three of them under the age of two; which required approval and a special waiver. I understand why- it takes a special kind of crazy to take on a crew like that, lol. But: I have a very responsible and loving husband, who works 7-3, and during the summer he’s home even earlier, and I have a wonderful “mini-mommy” daughter, who has lovingly taken to every foster child that has entered our doors. She makes bottles, changes diapers and pushes strollers -most of the time without me asking. So; we were granted our waiver. And now: we get to love on a sweet little newborn all over again!

And; now I’m getting even more strange looks and many more questions. Of course, the ones that make me laugh the most are the innocent looking grandmother types that state: “You’ve BEEN busy”, as if I have been frolicking between the sheets non stop. Then there are the ones that say: “You’ve got your hands full” But actually, no.

My cup is full.

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

It overflows.

It’s full of love, of gummy smiles and tiny little toddler voices with first words, of the sweet smell of newborns, and tender kisses from big sisters.

It’s also full of hot coffee.

Fortunately -my coffee cup does not overflow.

Sure, this has been a doozy of a week; trips to the WIC office with four kids in tow, a trip to the pediatrician, and hitting up Target for formula and diapers. Several nights with less than four hours of sleep, moments when babies are hungry all at once, and many poop explosions. And, of course -soon, there will be state employees coming to my house, case managers, guardian ad litems, behavior specialists and licensing specialists… all the sweet people that work to keep kids safe. It makes for a slightly revolving door in my house…. but I love it. Mainly because it keeps my house tidy. Everyone stays on top of their messes= less work for me, yay!

So: yes… my hands are full, but my cup runneth over.

Because there is more love than messes, more love than stresses, and much more love than any any home can hold. So it runs over to invite others in.

That’s what we do.

That’s why we do it.

You reap what you sow.

Now: there are days all I want to do is bake a cake and photograph it. (If you follow my blog from way back- that’s all I did) Like  the rainbow cake, pollyanna cake, Boston cream cake roll, etc…

But; I also know that there will be days when the babies won’t be babies, and they won’t need me as much. But, they WILL however need birthday cakes. 😉

There is a time and a season for everything, (ha, that’s another bible quote) The season I’m in is a season of growth and renewal, family and mommy-hood. There was a time when I thought my season of being a mom  was diminishing, as my daughter grew I thought that the next diaper I would change would be a grandchild’s. I felt my life was catapulting to middle age, and I felt I wasn’t done being young, I wasn’t; done being a “mommy”, and I wasn’t ready for the period of mommy-hood to change… for many years I felt that way.  And, becoming a foster parent has opened up that door for me again. So I cherish every moment, the good and the bad; because I remember the dark sadness I once had, thinking that there would be “no more” …

I embrace my cup that overflows, even when it’s messy.

I don’t mourn the things I cannot do now,  because I love what I get to do now.

So, take your cup and let it overflow. Whatever your season may be; make your cakes when you can and cuddle your babies while you have them. Bless your mess of life, the good, the bad and the sticky. One day, you will look back on the sad dark days and find gladness that they are passed, and one day you will look back, to see a life well lived. Don’t let an age define you, Let your life define you.








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