recipes, life and everything in between


yogurt, and other tales…

Are you a yogurt person? Some people are not “yogurt people” , and usually those people are also not pudding people. My hubby is one of those. My daughters, however… they’re yogurt people. I have to guard my yogurt when it comes home… or gets delivered.

Yep, the nice folks at Yoplait gave me some of their  NEW lactose free  yogurt right to my door. And,  my girls started making dibs on what they wanted. Turns out, there was NONE  that they didn’t want. So, I shared & of course they loved it all. Usually, I’ll try to chop up some extra fruit to put in the yogurt- but with this yogurt, my daughter chose to dip her berries. So… not only is it yogurt, it’s also a dip. Four year olds can teach you a lot of those “why didn’t I think of that” times. Now, I also managed to stake claim to some, and ooo, it was yummy. I know that’s not an adult term- but it was. It was surprisingly thick and creamy ces ci bon. 🙂 Isn’t that what their old ads said?

When I was a kid, my mom taught Yoga, and ate lots of plain yogurt and wheat germ. She also wore tube tops, but I won’t go into that….back then there weren’t nearly as many yogurts out there, and the section in the grocery store was about as big as a shelf in my fridge.  I actually remember when Yoplait first arrived. (Yep, I’m kinda old) my big sister would eat it all the time, along with rice cakes… and she wore leg-warmers and headbands but, I won’t go into that,either.

I never knew a yogurt post would trigger so many time periods and fashion statements.

Now, if you’d like to try some of this yourself, simply answer this question in the comment portion of this post:

What fashion period do you remember most while growing up?

Two winners will be chosen at random on March 20th, 2012. Good Luck!

A special thanks to Yoplait for supplying the giveaway/review. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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