recipes, life and everything in between

desserts pies

lemon tart with coconut crust and pomegranate glaze

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A little while ago, I was given some Pom Wonderful juice… I asked a few fellow foodies what to make with it and here are some of their ideas:

freeze and use as ice cubes in ginger ale

pomegranate cocktails- from cosmos to mojitos

reduce and make a sauce (hmmm….wheels turning)

So far I have not made cocktails. But, I have made a yummy reduction sauce for steaks and an awesome vinaigrette (posts coming soon) and this tart came from the inspiration of that wonderful juice. If you have never tried it- it’s really wonderful (no pun intended) Now, for the tart:mamas food pics 045

such a pretty thing… I love pink and yellow together.

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for the crust: ( the crust is a modified version of one found in a good housekeeping cookbook)

1c flour

3/4 cup unsweetened coconut

6tbs frozen grated butter

4 tbs sugar

1 egg yolk

1 tsp vanilla

gently combine until the mixture is crumbly but holds together. Like this:

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now, get out a 10″ tart pan. A pie pan would probally work, too.

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go ahead and dump it in!

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press it down and up the sides- then prick it in a bunch of places with a fork

cover with foil and bake at 350 for 10min- uncover and bake another 10 min.

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now the filling- well this is kind of like a key lime pie here, except lemon and with egg whites too- here goes:

mix together 1 can sweetened condensed milk

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

2 egg yolks (set whites aside)

1 tbs vanilla

1/3 c sugar

now mix all that together, and those egg whites? Whip them until they are stiff with 3 tbs sugar.

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you wil have 2 bowls that look like this

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bake at 350 for 15-20 min or until its not jiggly in the center

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you will have to forgive me for this- I don’t have exact measurements- I put some Pom Wonderful in a zip top bag and some powdered sugar- maybe 4tbs of juice and 1c sugar? Forgive me! I mixed and added sugar/juice until I achieved the right consistency, like thick icing. You can drink the extra juice, or make a cocktail, or save it for m other posts using the juice- the salad dressing is good…mmmm!

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drizzle it over your cooled tart….

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and grab a slice- the lemony-coconutty-pomegranate flavors are like a polynesian island in your mouth-mmmmm!

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