recipes, life and everything in between


DIY peg board


I made this nifty pegboard for my daughter’s room to try to get a handle on the massive amounts of paper children seen to produce out of thin air.  I don’t know what happens: I will purge the house on Monday morning of the assorted papers from the weekend, only to find that they have multiplied and bred like a wet Gremlin by Wednesday.

Then, there’s the papers from me.

I am a “list-maker”, you know.

Between myself and my daughter, we need to plant a forest. Hopefully this pegboard will help to keep the “important” papers from being tossed into the abyss of the recycling bin…. heaven knows I have no clue what time the game is today because that paper was tossed into the bin, and now it’s a wet pile of something that possibly could be paper mache by the time the recycling boys come around.

DSC_0467To make this:

You start with a ceiling tile. You can get a big one ( enough for two or three pegboards) at a home improvement store for 52¢.


I painted mine white. Mainly to fill in some of the “spots”, and because I didn’t have any large quantities of  any colors.

You can paint yours whatever color you want. Even rainbow sparkles. 😉


I also bought these little wooden animals… now I realize this is a candy-corn colored owl. What can I say? I’m on a Fall kick lately.

The edges of the ceiling tile were framed with decorative duct tape, and a string was thread through the top for hanging.

There you have it.

Go get your craft on.


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