recipes, life and everything in between


crazy fluffy pancakes

crazy fluffy pancakes~ puffy pancakes made with a crazy ingredient

Well… first of all good morning if it happens to morning for you…if not, good _____.

I just woke up to a weather report that involves cooler temperatures, so I am thrilled. But then my youngest woke up (at 5:05) so, her station went on and  they  started playing the “I don’t like candy corn” song (they only play it this time of year). That song is big in my house, because my hubby doesn’t like candy corn, and the rest of us love it…so we sing it a lot to him this time of year. I’m sure you can get a visual.

My husband also came up with a special dance to embarrass his offspring with over the weekend. I really need to get it on You Tube.  The only way I can possibly describe it  would be imagining Brittany Spears doing a happy dance trapped in the body of a six foot tall tattooed man.

For real.

Anyway, when he does the dance my four year old goes and hides. And, our nine year old tries to get him to promise to never do that outside. He never would. Good thing there’s You Tube, huh?! (tee-hee!) Speaking of videos I am DETERMINED to do a few new videos this week. One involving a jogging tortoise. And, one involving cookie dough. Yep, I have Brittany Spears, jogging tortoise, candy corn and cookie dough all in the same blog.  It’s early and I am only 1/4 way through my coffee.

PANCAKES! (I know, you’re thinking… where are the pancakes, woman?!)

The pancakes are right here.

And, I got the recipe from Coleens Recipes. It’s a little blog I always like to check out. I think it’s because she’s in Alaska and I’m in Florida. I love to see how the other half lives.

Her pancake picture looks fluffier than mine.

I think it’s because I was out of regular vinegar, and used apple cider vinegar. But, they were still pretty darn fluffy.

I’m more of a waffle girl, but I ate a big ol’ plate of these babies. And, it didn’t feel like I ate a plate of lead afterward.

You know how pancakes can be too hearty sometimes?

These were just right….

Now, I know if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter.. you know that I met some famous peeps this weekend… and yes, I will be telling you all about that, too. But right now, I ave to go in order. Breakfast first. 😉

crazy fluffy pancakes
Recipe Type: breakfast
Author: adapted from Colleens recipes
Prep time: 25 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 35 mins
Serves: 4
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. Mix the milk and vinegar together, and allow to sit 10 minutes.
  2. Combine the dry ingredients.
  3. In another bowl, mix the butter, egg, vanilla and milk/vinegar mixture.
  4. Gently fold in the dry ingredient mixture to the wet mixture.Don;t over mix.
  5. Allow to sit 10 minutes.
  6. Note: it will be bubbly, refrain from stirring it.
  7. Scoop up 1/4 cup and cook on a hot griddle.

You cannot taste the vinegar at all, so don’t be alarmed by this ingredient.


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