Who doesn’t love a warm hearty casserole? It’s like a hug from grandma after a rough day….
Casseroles are up there on my favorite comfort food lists. Right next to tacos and sushi. Have you ever wondered why salads aren’t comfort food? What exactly makes food comforting? Hmmmm. Anyway… just a odd little thought that popped into my head.
Anyway, the “team” here at this little blog feels the need to address a situation that has been brought to our attention, you see…
That was like a cliff hanger, huh? Hey, at least I didn’t make you wait a whole week to find out what the situation is, right?
It’s time to write an open letter to all the haters and nay-sayers out there. (You know EXACTLY who you are)
First of all, thank you for so diligently reading my blog. There are 825 posts on this blog, and- FYI; it began in June of 2009. I have documented our life here, primarily food life- but I definitely have thrown in a lot of personal adventures, and spiritual ones, as well. I started this blog as a secular entity; but as God began to grow and stir in me; I felt led to share more of how he has revolutionized my life and led me into an extraordinary life.
Some people have an issue with all that God has done in my family’s life.
And: all I can suggest is to those people – if you don’t like what you’re reading, then just look away.
shoo, shoo…. be gone with you.
Happy endings
Do y’all remember my sweet little Jack Russell mix, Sparky?
Sadly, I lost my sweet Sparky to kidney failure this past September. And, despite my daughter’s encouragement, I couldn’t bear getting another dog. (Hubby wasn’t looking for another, either)
A couple months later, I took my littles to see Santa. (you want to see a pic?!) Okay:

And, as with every visit to see Santa- there was the obligatory “What do you want for Christmas?”
Of course, my daughter said “A dog. A Goldendoodle.”
(Insert mom in the background fervently shaking head in a “no!”)
A few hours later, I was scrolling my newsfeed to see a friend searching for a home for … you guessed it: a Goldendoodle.
Someone must have a connection with Santa…. I thought.
Of course, it’s not just any ol’ Goldendoodle for our family. Seriously, we have an epileptic chihuahua, a blind chihuahua, and a Boston that seems to be still adjusting from coming from an animal hoarder seven years ago…. run of the mill animals just don’t end up in our family.
We get the most special dogs.
This sweet pooch has the dog equivalent of down syndrome. And, honestly, he is the most lovable, sweet dog ever.

We’re growing his fur out, so I’ll post an updated pic once his fluffiness returns. He’s gotten a bit fatter since he came here, too. Probably from my walking snack droppers. (aka toddlers) .
Anyway, so we are now a family of four kids and four dogs… four pythons, multiple tortoises and turtles and birds.
Never a dull moment… or lack of love.
Back to casseroles:
This casserole is called “Imperial Rice” and, after I started this post, I realized I had previously published this recipe. So, instead of tossing this into the proverbial trash, I figured I just give you the link to the original recipe, if you so desire to cook up a cozy casserole this week.
I’ll be back soon, with a recipe or a story… or maybe even a video. (!!!!!!)
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