recipes, life and everything in between


chicken roll ups

chicken roll ups~ another recipe to make weekly.

Whenever I tell my husband that I’m trying a new recipe for dinner his response is always the same: “What is it? What’s in it? How is is made?”

And, without fail, he’ll ask the same three questions at least two more times during the course of the day.  I realize that he is the type of guy that likes to know what to be hungry for at dinnertime. He gets somewhat nervous when it’s unfamiliar culinary territory at dinnertime. I do my best to describe it like a menu- with lots of references to golden crust and pizza cheese filling. I’ve come to realize he’s a total “dinner guy” and he bases a lot of his day on what dinner is.  He even texts me every morning at 6:05 am- “What’s for dinner?” I admit it: there are days I want to just text back : “coffee.”

So, when I told him I was making something new, he fretted about a bit- attempting to suggest this or that instead. Then I showed him Chicken Roll Ups on the Sargento site & he said “Oh. Okay, that looks good”

I guess my culinary explicit language wasn’t enough, and a picture is worth a thousand words.

I had an a-ha (a.k.a. I -was-an-idiot) moment when pounding the chicken breast flat.

First of all: I used to pound with the pointy side of the mallet. That just ruined my meat. See?! That’s why I never claim to be a chef. I do idiot things like pound meat wrong!!!

Second of all: I have a ton of red plastic wrap I got on sale during Christmas. It worked for Valentines… but I think I’m in trouble for St Patrick’s day…

Speaking of shopping: I got some awesome deals flea-marketing on Saturday. That blue casserole dish up there ↑ TWO bucks! Yaaay. And, speaking of deals- my sister is becoming an extreme coupon-er… you know like the TV show. Oh my… she should start a blog about it.

So, another idiot moment: I have made stuffed chicken breasts before & I never thought to dredge the whole thing before stuffing it. DUH.

I am attributing all of these idiot moments to a temporary lapse of color in my hair recently.

Back to the dish: Some awesome facts about this recipe:

It can be prepped in 15 minutes.

You can assemble it beforehand & bake it later in the day.

It’s delicious.

When we sat down to dinner, my hubby said: ” Wow, this is awesome.”

Yay me for achieving dinnertime awesomeness. The following day he reinstated his proclamation of the meal stating: Yeah, dinner was good last night. You need to make that again.”

You know it’s good when they want it again in less than 6 hours.

For the recipe, go here: Chicken Roll Ups

It’s all ready to print. 🙂

A special thanks to Sargento for supporting this delicious post.

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