recipes, life and everything in between


Frito Lay Flavor Kitchen, pt 1

I have two posts going up today. Since I’m in super blog mode, and finally drinking some good homemade coffee. Have you ever noticed coffee is terrible on the road? I’m not a big commercial coffee drinker, that’s mainly because of this little problem I have called a budget. Holy poops~$3.75 for a coffee? Um, no. I’m too cheap thrifty for that.

Anyway, there are going to be a lot of Texas-based Frito Lay posts. Why?

They have some rockin’ recipes.

I’m going to make them all. And create some of my own.

Like these : Double chocolate potato chip cookies Yes. Salty, sweet and chocolaty. They oughta have PMSing girls design flavor concoctions.

Back to the Flavor Kitchen:

This is where the chefs at Frito Lay cook up food. Yes- they cook real food. Then, they research and analyze the different flavor components of the foods to develop new flavors. ALL NATURALLY. They had this huge pantry with powdered spices and flours… I kept looking for the bag of monosodiumglutamate or diphosphachloride. You know, something I couldn’t pronounce. Not there. That was pretty cool, not that I didn’t believe them when they say “all natural” being a mama, I was sceptical. Our kids have enough excuses… don’t wanna here some company giving me any, either! They didn’t, they were true to thier word.

Insert happy dance. It’s so nice to not be disappointed.

The nice folks   sent a car!!!!

On my plane, I was reading one of my magazines, and saw this:

I thought, OMGSH… I am so going there!

Then, as we got closer, I tried to take an “airplane pic”

man, the world is so pretty sometimes.

there was hair and make up…and shirt malfunctions. See that shirt? Yes, issues. The more I moved, the lower it got. I gave two of the Time Inc gals “boobie watcher” titles. Yes, I am someone that will say “boobie” in public.  Breast is too food-related, you know?

This scene here? OMGSH. 15 takes. Eeek. Well, it was my first time….

the lovely miss Leslie did great. She’s The Hungry Housewife

this is Joelen from “What’s Cookin Chicago?”

After my first fifteenth take, I want for a walk to “decompress” ( since there was no beer. ) It was too early for beer. But, whew…. I could have used one.

They have the most beautiful campus.

ahhh… and fresh herb growing…everywhere.


The Flavor Kitchen- was amazing. Mainly because it was a real kitchen. Not a set. Chef Stephen, however I think would have preferred it to be a set. You could tell he was proud of his kitchen, and didn’t want anything to damage it. There were a lot of cords and lights and all that…

you can imagine…

I’d probably be going a bit crazy if all this was going on in my kitchen, too.

He was super cool, though… he kept cracking jokes in between takes. He had a great spirit. Heck, everyone there did..well there was one dude that was flustered, but maybe he was tired. It was a long day of filming.

I have a ton more pics, especially of the food that was cooked in the kitchen that day. So…. yes there will be a Texas part two..and three…with recipes.

I also have a new video of my own to show y’all. My own version of “keepin it real” cooking. makeup and a mess in the background.  I’m crazy like that. 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. […] years or so, you’ll have seen the journey of my life, recipes included. From adventures with Frito Lay and Kenmore, to a very different journey of a calling to care for modern day […]

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