recipes, life and everything in between


polenta squares

polenta squares~ aka: “Mama, can I have some more of that stuff?”

When I first decided to try this recipe, I was confidant my hubby would like it, as long if I didn’t describe it too much. If I put corn and tomato sauce together-he gives me a weird look as if I was suggesting peanut butter and steak sandwiches. So, I just said “It’s a casserole with cheese, you’ll like it.”

That worked this time.

I wasn’t sure what the kids would think; I just put it on their plates, (how stealthy)

Can I tell you something?

They all got seconds.

My stepdaughter explained the flavor as creamy lasagna. Hey, that works for me. Mine came out a bit thin, however- because my 9×13 pan was on duty at the time, and I didn’t have a backup. Gee, looks like I need another casserole dish. 😉 One of my favorite things to buy is cute casserole dishes. I’m addicted.

I’m definitely going to make this again in a cute new casserole dish.

In case you’re wondering what’s in it: it’s peppers and onions and cornmeal and shredded Parmesan cheese and then it’s topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. The natural sweetness of the cornmeal mingles with the tomatoes and cheese in such a way that you way up and contemplate having it for breakfast.  I figure it was a better breakfast that a bowl of sugar-sweetened-sugar flakes, right?

Yes. it’s okay for breakfast.

I found the recipe on Sargento. It’s all ready to print for you here: Polenta Squares.

A special thanks to Sargento for sponsoring this post. The opinions expressed are my own. The recipe is theirs.




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