recipes, life and everything in between


taco bell peppers

I don’t know about you, but anything with taco in the name sounds tasty. Mmmm….

When I named the recipe I had an aha moment. Get it?! Taco bell peppers? Taco bell…..hahaha…

I made these one night when we were going to have tacos, but a trip to the produce stand took me in a different dinner direction. Because peppers were on sale for 49¢ a pound. Woo~hoo! I love some good cheap food!

Of course, I would have free veggies in my backyard if they’d just grow. I think it has something to do with my sandy soil…it’s like planting in dirty sugar. Oh well….

I almost feel guilty posting this… because the chicken is done in the crock-pot, and the recipe for it is here: mexican shredded chicken

So on my part, this make this a super simple post. I like to work a little harder for you guys…. hmmm, how about some household news? I haven’t done that in a while.

Household news: (Insert nightly news theme music)

Mama though she’d have all this free time while her youngest daughter went to preschool, but it turns out, she’s busier than she was with a kid at home. She’s currently blaming the situation on stinky girl dog being in heat and the constant steam mopping after her. In reality, it’s a class with 45 minutes of homework a day, volunteering at her daughter’s school and working in a food pantry.

The youngest family member has been insisting that everyday it’s her “baby’s” birthday. (A stuffed turtle named Woody) and requests little pink cupcakes daily. In school, she’s learning English, Science, Math and Social Studies. On a pre-school level, complete with workbooks. Her favorite subject, however- is snack.

The older daughter is developing a deep desire to avoid math, especially homework…. and worries a lot about if a particular boy was giving her the eye.

Papa, is now starting a new obsession hobby of diving. He’s talking mama into getting certified… but little does he know she only wants to do it so she can get that underwater SLR and take super cool picture for her blog.

Little stinky dog is getting older in his years, and he got mad when he was left at home on a hot afternoon while the family walked, and he decided to poop everywhere.

As for the rest of the family, the parrot has decided to squawk as loud as possible everyday at 5:30am, and our giant tortoise has recently decided to ram the sliding door to let us know he wants some veggies.

The box turltes have been mating.

That completes our segment of household news.

Tune again soon!

The mexican shredded chicken is placed into blanched bell peppers, topped with red enchilada sauce, and then cheese and baked for 20 minutes at 350.

See… there’s not even a recipe.

For the side, we had rice and beans and lettuce and tomatoes….

For dessert, we all shared a Kit Kat. Because I have been too “busy” to bake.

(Big stinky dog is messy, you know…)  😉


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