recipes, life and everything in between


soldier boxes ready to go

Well, some of y’all want the cranberry-oat bar recipe, too… so today will be a double post day.  Just to keep things even.

Man, I am waaaay behind on my posts- I was going through my photos and realized that I have about a weeks’ worth of food I need to get out to y’all. Oh boy! AND it’s baking season… I may have several double post days this month.

But, first- let me share the boxes we made. There’s a video at the end. If you’re bored you can just scroll down to that. Are you bored?

Oh no.

Need a funny thing? Okay, my daughter was eating her 1st candy cane and when I asked her what flavor it was she said, “Toothpaste”.

Yes, she likes our toothpaste. The kids’ kind is “yucky” to her.



I crammed these babies up. Since it’s a flat rate, I could make them heavy as I wanted. Yippee!

I found some cool “toys” at the dollar store, and my girls made special pictures…

I layered the boxes, on the bottom there are all the flat things, a GI Joe calender, some puzzle books and coloring books…then there’s boxes of  cracker jack, crackers… sausage and cheese, pro-bars, lollipops, homemade cranberry bread…

And toys, fun stuff like joke sets (fake boogers are fun) and mini pinball machines…

and a few notes from us.

There you have it. I’m hoping they get them by the holidays… and I hope they have fun with it. I had fun making them.

If you came for the video, here ya go:

Soldier boxes

If you came for food, they’ll be some real soon. Promise.

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