recipes, life and everything in between



Yesterday… I battled hair. I vacuumed dog hair, got my hair cut, and managed to detail the places it’s not socially acceptable to grow hair. Yesterday… I braved “pimping” this little site on AR (all recipes) I say braved because a while back I got some snide remarks from a member there- but I’m over that now. Because yesterday I found some new readers and I am finally getting to know some of the “quiet ones”! Yesterday I made an extra prize for a lost contestant..and yesterday afternoon it rained and rained so my hubby and I sat on the front porch and had a beer and watched our daughter put all the potted plants in the walkway. Yesterday I made (well, almost 3/4 way done) a “dinkle” for my daughter. A dinkle is what she calls stars..I sewed a stuffed one. Yesterday I did dishes, hung laundry (yes I’m old school) and was just happy with my place on this earth. Part of that came from each of my readers and the wonderful comments left. Thank you all. P.S.-contest still open so get talkin to my “quiet ones”!

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