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daily thoughts

My mama


Yesterday, my mama walked over and handed me this snapshot of her and her friends. They had just gotten done unloading food collected from a local food drive for a food pantry my mama just started up. She used to run another, but when she was diagnosed with lymphoma, she needed to resign from it. That was four years ago.

A few months ago, she saw the need once more to begin a new food pantry. With her own money she made 20 bags filled with  a weeks’ worth of food for a family of four. They were blessed and distributed to the needy. In this, my mama was blessed,too.

She went for her latest PET scan last Friday. To see if her stage four lymphoma was still at bay. She called me on Monday to share the results.

All clear.

You see, my mama… she is a survivor. But, I think it’s not only her that does it. It’s God, and karma.

When I was eight she was brutally attacked and left for dead in a canal. She made it.I don’t know why, but my dad moved out two months later. She has passed out in the bathtub more times than I like to admit,but she made it.When I was 12 she was addicted to prescription drugs and in a coma….twice. She made it. In a way, I feel like I have watched her grow up,too. I have seen her transformed from someone I used to have to watch over~ now into someone that watches over others. She is almost seventy-three now, and every holiday season I am thankful for who she has grown up to be….and for surviving.

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