recipes, life and everything in between


roasted turkey, arugula and aged Harvarti

_DSC2888sponsored post- however all opinions expressed are my own

It’s that time of year when I forget to eat lunch  food, in between shopping, wrapping, crafting, cooking and baking, housecleaning and oh yes there are  kids and work, pets and parties, birthdays and weddings…

More often than I’d like to admit, this time of year finds me scarfing down crackers at 3pm- constituting them as breakfast and lunch. Oh dear….

Not too healthy.

Fortunately, the kind folks at Castello and Honest Cooking provided me with some of my favorite cheese to nibble on (and yes, even put on my crackers at 3pm.)

But this cheese deserves so much more than crackers…

Fortunately, with  the holidays comes  leftover roast turkey. add  a smudge of mayo to highlight the buttery richness of the Harvarti… add some crisp peppery arugula to tie them altogether…. you won’t find me skipping lunch, or breakfast for that matter.

(Try this in a cheese omelet…!!!!!)

_DSC2884For those of you unfamiliar with aged  Harvarti cheese, it’s a must try… creamy and buttery with just enough bite from it’s 12 months of aging. Perfect complement to turkey, crackers, even that leftover ham that’s bound to surface in the next few days…

_DSC2895For more great recipes and information on the Castello brand of cheeses, feel free to click here: Castello






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